The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is proposing fee changes for certain immigration benefit applications and petitions and is currently seeking public comment. USCIS is required to reevaluate its fee structure every two years. According to USCIS the purpose of the proposed fee changes is to better reflect the actual cost of operations. USCIS will accept public comments on the proposed changes until July 26, 2010 at
USCIS Director, Alejandro Mayorkas, states that USCIS is “mindful of the effect of a fee increase on the communities we serve and have worked hard to minimize the size of the proposed increase through budget cuts and other measures.” Under the proposed fee changes, a few fees, such as the I-129F Petition for Alien Fiance(e), would be decreased, and the N-400 Application for Naturalization fee will remain at $595, in recognition of the “unique importance of naturalization.” According to Director Mayorkas, “Requesting and obtaining U.S. citizenship deserves special consideration given the unique nature of this benefit to the individual applicant, the significant public benefit to the Nation, and the [N]ation’s proud tradition of welcoming new citizens.”
On May 11, 2010 the United States Citizenship & Immigration Service announced the new design of the I-551; Permanent Resident Card or “green card.” The card or document serves as…
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Joseph & Hall P.C. is a full-service immigration law firm. We pride ourselves on being nationwide experts in all areas of immigration law, including the practice areas listed below. Our attorneys frequently are asked to speak both locally and nationally on a wide variety of immigration topics. For an overview of each practice area, please click the links below. If you have any questions about how these practice areas may apply to your case, please do not hesitate to contact our firm.
Countless people dream of becoming a U.S. citizen. If your application was rejected by the USCIS, we are here to fight for your best interests.
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